Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Nail Paints for Autumn/Winter

 I have many, many Barry M nail paints.. (Far too many infact!).  I just think theyre incredible value for money as they come in really pretty colours, they apply really well and can last for anywhere up to a week if applied properly.. if you dont get bored of it first that is!

I bought 3 from the Ice-Cream collection (the Strawberry one looking suspiciously similar to the previous pale pink one.. but anyhoo..).  I have to say I didn't touch any of them this Summer!    I did however pick up the latest editions - the Instant Nail Effects at £3.95, and Dusky Mauve at £2.95.

I love looking at all the pretty colours on people, and I think that women with perfectly manicured nails look really well put together.. I on the other hand am just terrible at applying it!  I look at the pretty bottles in my case, paw them.. then close the lid!  Nail polish (and blending eyeshadows) are a very scary prospect for me!

But I have vowed to keep trying and hopefully, get much better at it!!

So I have picked out 5 colours for Autumn/Winter.

Left to right:
293 Grey
313 Dusky Mauve (New)
310 Mushroom
115 Red Black
129 Chocolate Brown

(Apologies in advance for a couple of these being out of focus.. It wasn't till the last few pictures that I figured out what I was doing wrong!  Durrrr..)

This is 293 Grey.  I feel this is coming up more blue toned on the nails than it is in R.L, I'm not sure what it will appear as on your computer screens, but its a lovely true grey.  
You can get away with one with this..  What I do find is that some of the nail paints seem thicker in consistency, and ever so slightly harder to work with.  This is one of them!

This is Dusky Mauve, only released about a fortnight ago on the website I believe.  Hopefully you can see the purple shot through it?  Its one from the mud family.. a lovely grey/brown/mauve.. it really is a beautiful multi toned polish!

I'm pretty sure we all saw this weeks and weeks ago, but I think its a nice colour for Autumn, esp if wearing the darker colours just aren't your thing :)

This one will be a nice colour for (dare I say it..) the Christmas parties!  Its a lovely deep red colour, that with more coats (3?) does turn to its namesake - Red Black.
This is one of the more sheer, easy to apply colours.. Its not one of the one coat wonders, a factor that I actually like because I find it easier to work with.

And last but not least.. Perhaps one that doesn't stand out for most people, is Chocolate Brown.  A lovely chocolate brown (funny that!!).. Again, this is one of those that I find a little bit gloopy and harder to apply, but on the plus side - a one coat wonder!

All are priced at £2.95 each and can be purchased from the Barry M website here  :)

What will you be wearing this Autumn/Winter?


  1. Hi Nikki, I'm a new follower. The Dusky Mauve polish looks lovely, I'm surprised Barry M haven't released a deep teal/fur green for winter, as they've done every other festive colour :) xx


  2. Ohhh I didn't know they had released a new one, Dusky Mauve. Will defo be picking that up!

    Nice to see you back aswel missis, don't do a dissapearing act again! haha.


  3. I love seeing my nailvarnish all arranged in their pretty colours, but i usually only stick to one or 2 colours. Im so boring!
    I love BarryM polishes, i think Dusky Mauve will be next on my list!

  4. Dusky Mauve looks amazing. Like a very close dupe to chanel paradoxal! Wow. :)

  5. Dusky Mauve looks amazing i havnt seen that anywhere :( were did you pick it up from ? x

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Jade, I bought them both (the instant nail effects and the dusky mauve) from the website. I'll try and add a link in the blog post (above the photograph of the actual bottle) :)


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